• Warning: Spoilers
    We really enjoyed the first Blue Collar Comedy Tour, it was funny without being offensive. I was very much offended by this second offering. In fact, by the time Larry the Cable Guy was 5 minutes into his start, I was finished. We begin with all the boys on the bus, and some 12 year old bathroom humor. Then we're taken to the stage and the long slide downhill begins.

    I'm not sure why the guys all decided to use raunchy sex as the linchpin for their comedy this time around, but it was bad. Probably most offensive was Ron 'tater salad' White. I know being 'drunk' is suppose to a part of his act, but I'm not sure it was an act...whatever, his 'jokes' were in bad taste and not really funny. Really, how long can you talk about dog poop? Or his 'riding' his wife? Bill Ingvall is usually on top of his game talking about his family, not this time. Again, we end up with too much information on his sexual issues. We did get a few 'here's your sign' comments, but some were refried.

    I was very disappointed start to finish, and ashamed that I had called my 85 year old mom to make sure she watched it. Thankfully, she had tuned out, as put off as I was. So, if you're into crude humor, drunken bores, and stupidity, then this is the one to watch. On the other hand, if you expect to see a repeat of the first Blue Collar, don't watch this. Put the original in again, enjoy that.