
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I took a chance on watching this, I got to see all 12 episodes.

    It's immediately known from the first episode that all the plots are gonna be mostly a "Villian-Of-The-Week" type of series. Basically all 12 are of the same plot, Najica gets an assignment, she shoots, shows a lot of panty shots, shoots some more, more panties...panties...another shot, more panties...she gets the "bad-guy". That's pretty much the gist of it.

    It's mind-less fun. Plain and simple. If your looking for plot, or deep stories. This is not for you. There are only a handful of "guy" characters throughout the series. You get mostly girls in tight and very short skirts doing everything from sniping to going all out psycho.

    There are a few stories within the series that have some feeling in them. Some that are down right weird...and others that just don't make sense. On a personal note, the "mindless-fun" could have been achieved without the hundred panty shots per joke. There is a panty shot (some down right uncomfortable) in nearly EVERY scene of the series. You can count on ONE hand how many scenes DO NOT have them.

    Nothing "crosses the line", but after awhile (maybe halfway through the second episode), it starts to get annoying. When every female in every scene has to show her panties. The scene that takes the cake is when "Toni aka. WWW" is introduced (Episode 8). She is one of the "Triple Series Humaritts". She is the strong arm for one of the "Villian-Of-The-Week" bad-guys. She kidnaps another girl and steals a high-tech plane. She jumps into the cockpit, with the unconscious girl in her lap, with her butt up in the air. Right in front of her face while she's flying. It's not so subtle.

    Like I said, it's "mindless-fun". Watch it for the entertainment, the shooting, the action...among other things. You have to gloss over the "Villian-Of-The-Week" syndrome the series does suffer through. But since there is only 12 episodes, it's doesn't and shouldn't bother you. There really is no concrete direction from episode to episode. There is some dialog that does connect a few episode.

    To be honest, the ending seemed to be a bit rushed. IMHO, they could have used a previous character for the ending, but didn't. While they tied the final "villian" into the plot about Liela, which at least was a decent way to end it, the final "villain" was still a "Villian-Of-The-Week" type-of-character. More could have definitely been done.

    That all aside, if you like action, shooting, car chases, airplane chases, explosions, beautiful women, and of course lots of panty shots. Definitely watch this series.