• Warning: Spoilers
    I'd love to agree with those who liked this film, cos I've a soft spot for the director's previous films, which, taking their inspiration from controversial realities, spun plausible conspiracy-theory thrillers (Piazza delle 5 Lune) or fairly accurate reconstructions (Vajont), but Il Mercante delle Pietre, despite a decent cast and the director's always enjoyable zooming and whooshing camera-work and clever use of sound, is a big let-down. The plot has got holes you could drive a bus through, the Islam-bashing, which may or may not be justified (see other people's comments re this), is reheated and tiresome Fallaci-lite, and the unfolding drama clunks and creaks when it needs to whisk the viewer along smoothly. Add to all this the worst CGI this side of Titanic and there's plenty of reasons not to bother with this, which really is a pity cos once or twice it all comes together in the film, but just when you think it's going to really take off, it all falls to bits again.