• Warning: Spoilers
    This movie is absolutely great. Kids can really relate to Ivan. It's very inspirational for them. Here's this kid who sucks at mostly everything, gets bullied by older kids and even his dad, who finds out one day he can do all those things he couldn't do before.

    It's also a very good educational tool, because you look at the story from Ivan's point of view. It makes very clear what bullying does to a kid. And since most bullies think its just good fun, and have no idea what they're doing to the kids they bully, this movie can be an eyeopener and a good starting point for a discussion about this topic.

    Upon watching this movie with my class (8 and 9 years of age), the kids started making comments about what the bullies were doing to Ivan. Suddenly for them all they have been told about bullying made sense to them. It was no longer just talk, it became real to them, part of their world. Sometimes you can talk to kids 'till you're blue in the face and they don't understand, while one picture or movie can say it all and suddenly hit home.

    So watch with your kids and talk about it! By the way it's also great fun to watch.