• So here is the scoop! Australian cinema is eroding at a faster rate than George Bush's approval rating. Add to that the over-powering presence of saturated Hollywood content, then it's fair to say that Suburban Mayhem is a film that deserves some recognition and a fair go in the marketplace. Bordering on Art house, this sure to be cult classic utilizes a quasi doco style format depicting a dark, comical look into the life of Katrina, a master manipulator who will stop at nothing to see her brother released from prison, all the while continually using her convincing charm to get what she wants or maneuver around any obstacle that gets in her way. Blending some great directing, excellent acting and memorable characters, Paul Goldman and Alice Bell have carefully written a film without stereotypically including too much Australian references and slangy dialogue. This movie could well have been shot anywhere and for that reason should carry over well in the foreign marketplace. And for all of you who expect a poorly written, federally funded, slap stick feature produced by a radio DJ or comic -- THIS ISN'T ONE OF THEM!!!