• Come September is a unique comedy, sparkling with the touch of the Italian summer, American opulence and oriental moods. A must see for people who love cinema and want to keep smiling. This escapist saga is about two people who are in love but cannot get married due to various reasons, the principal one being the hero's unpreparedness. Paradoxically, the time he really decides to tie the knot, he faces the most bizarre week of his life which leads to another September, god knows, how many more.

    The best part of the film is that it leaves a lot to the imagination, at at the same time guarantees that you go home feeling good, having spent some quality time. Icing on the cake is the beautiful Italian landscape , it evokes both a sense of grandeur and nostalgia, though Mulligan has ensured that the film does not become a tourist's guide to Portofino and Italian Riviera.

    The film is a showcase for Lollos beauty and pneumatic appeal and Rock's masculinity. Assistance in the form of the comic skills of Walter Slezak makes this film a laugh riot in the climactic scenes. This is Lollobrigida's biggest hit in the US and India, and deservedly so; Rock Hudson makes a great partner for her, much as he was doing in this early 60's era with Doris Day in many films.

    Childish it may be, Come September is loved even today. I have spent many afternoons viewing the film and admiring the Italian sun.. it acts as an relaxant in my otherwise busy work schedule