• Warning: Spoilers
    Continuing my plan to watch every Sly Stallone movie in order, I come to the second sequel to the Oscar winning ' Rocky', Rocky 3.

    After the success of Rocky 2, Sly tanked at the box office (unfairly in this reviewers opinion, as both are solid entertainment) with Nighthawks and Escape To Victory. So Sly returned to Rocky once more

    Plot In A Paragraph: Rocky (Stallone) is champion of the world, has 10 title defences under his belt, has untold fame and fortune and is given his own statue. When suddenly a new challenger arrives, the vicious Clubber Lang (Mr.T) who Mickey (Burgess Meredith) is keen for Rocky to avoid.

    For a series as long running as the Rocky movies, it's only natural for there to be the occasional need for a breath of fresh air - a fresh perspective on a tried and tested formula. After the last movie relied heavily on the first movie, a fresh rethink was called for by creator/writer, director and star Stallone despite the previous film's box office success.

    After meddling with scripts and the movies editing on his last two pictures Stallone is back in full creative control. And it's to the movies benefit. Stallone is at his best when playing Rocky--it is his vision and his creation--and despite what Hollywood wants us to think, he is not a bad director either.

    From the supercharged "Eye of the Tiger" opening this film just does not let up. All of the cast are great, none more so than Stallone himself. The scene of Mickey's death after Rocky's destruction at the hands of Clubber Lang is brilliant-But the Masterstroke here lies in making Apollo a far more central character after Mickey's death. all of this and I still haven't even mentioned CLUBBER! Mr .T is perfect as Clubber Lang a great adversary for Rocky and the power and intensity his character displays in the ring is ferocious. I still say Mike Tyson stole Clubber Lnag's act!!The second fight between Rocky and Clubber is just breathtaking, the pace of the fight is electric, some of the camera work makes you feel like you are literally in the ring with these two warriors.

    This movie is a must for anyone with the slightest interest in being entertained!!