
  • Witty, amusing, and even funny at times, this muddled mash of a movie has the luck of showing off Thelma Ritter's considerable acting talents alongside Gene Tierney's incomparable grace and beauty. Ellen McNulty is written as a very believable and charming character and clearly Thelma makes it hers. Her sense of timing and tone are perfect and it's easy to believe she was cheated out of an Oscar.

    Gene Tierney continues to amaze in another delightful performance as the beautiful society girl turned housewife, Maggie Carleton, who can't be rid of her mother to save her life! Of course, Ellen will do everything to make sure the couple gets off the ground but even she can't stop the convoluted plot which has Gene going from one emotional extreme to another in what I felt was a bit much to ask from her. Her usual demeanor is one of cool and when she had to portray anger and rage in the movie it seemed she was also expressing frustration with a script that was more dramatic than you would expect from a light-hearted farce like this. That said, this is a very nice performance from her and worthy of a second look.

    When they cast John Lund for this part they must have been thinking that Val McNulty was a ruthless businessman who mysteriously wins Maggie away from equally ruthless "Junior." If so, he gives a great performance as a stressed out frustrated newlywed. Too bad his performance isn't more sympathetic but I blame that more on the script and the plot innuendos than on his talent. He clearly tries very hard to make a very confusing movie role work even when the plot twists get a little too silly. That said, it did appear he was miscast for this role. He's not completely believable as someone debutante Maggie would fall for. He's better as a heavy and it's obvious he's a little too much so for this lighthearted role. Seeing him makes me think of what it would have been like if Dana Andrews, Tierney's love interest in "Laura", tried to do comedy. I can't imagine any different results.

    Overall, this is a romantic comedy that tries too hard. Thelma and Gene hold it together but when they aren't on screen even Larry Keating can't keep the audience's interest for long. However, watch if for when they are on screen because then the magic happens and you see two of maybe the 4 best actresses at the time in their full glory.