• Warning: Spoilers
    What can I say about "Shark"! First I was really excited because James Woods would be the main character! The pilot episode was great in which you could see how talented he is! Only I couldn't see him working with a team! He does work with these people,but honestly I don't really care about the other team members! Since they don't add something extra to the show! One exception was episode "Wrath of Kahn" in which Cruz dies at the end. It was very dramatic and unexpected! To me it gave a boost to the show,so I couldn't wait for next episode! I was hoping for a funeral, a tribute or something! Nothing happened concerning Cruz! They just went on, only one moment they mentioned his name. Come on,in real life you at least talk about it. What about grieve! They supposed to be a close team! Also the episodes aren't that interesting! There is nothing new,it all has been done before by other shows! The only reason I still watch this show is because of James Woods. It is to bad they don't develop his character a bit more! Maybe in the future episodes things will change!