• Warning: Spoilers
    I was more interested in watching the Special features section of this movie in DVD, the movie was so passable, unoriginal and clearly for a horror movie, doesn't have any horrifying moments, oh wait there's one creepy scene, its the scene in that food store wherein the vendor notices a lone guy with his head bowed down that looks like the "ghost" but apparently it was just a customer texting his girlfriend, creepy but became funny at the end, and it actually was the only effective scene in the whole movie. Anyways, I don't know how accurate this movies' claim on the special features that its director is the first and ONLY filipino who was ACCEPTED at USC Master's in Film. There have been hundreds of thousands of Filipinos in southern California for many years now, and to claim that is pure arrogance and misleading. I don't know where they get their facts and statistics. Mike Tuviera, being the son of TV producer, Tony Tuviera is sure is lucky to have his film debut with all the necessary support a good dad can offer, plus with other friends in the business, and his education at USC, one would expect a very intelligent and promising directorial debut, but its just disappointing at the end. Another overrated film overall.