
  • No matter how many times I've watched this, I invariably shake like a leaf for Billy Hayes as Alan Parker makes us follow him through the passport and customs control in the film's majestic expository first minutes. And I always hope against hope that he'll make it to that aircraft and fly off with his loot. But no - each and every time, they get to him, he raises his hands in the air and that precise moment Giorgio's electrifying pads kick in like a tidal wave.

    Proceed through for a disturbing, serious, harrowing, multi-layered mega performance by Brad Davis, a sadly missed icon if ever there was one, impeccably directed by Alan Parker and beautifully coloured by Giorgio Moroder at his big screen best. And yes, "The Chase" is in there - ever heard the 12" version on a dancefloor? You must.

    This film plays hardball with you and will inflict psychological pain on you like you'll never forget. Fantastic.