
  • Harvey Keitel once had standards of politics and cinematic quality, but no more. His acting here is the least clumsy among a troupe that'd ruin the reputation of b-grade itself.

    And the screenplay? Did a Dick Cheney staffer write it? There's no story here, just a clumsy extreme-right fable intended to elicit fear and hatred.

    A 1950s Cold War comic book must have been the model. Cartoon monsters.

    Just plain stupid. All involved should be ashamed.

    It is conceivable that a decent political thriller with this sort of subject matter, yet it would take far more intelligence than what's on offer here.

    Maybe if someone with the slightest respect for women had written it the female lead would have been oxymoronically an executive with the inteillgence of an idiot and the emotional maturity of a 12-year-old.

    So, the message here is hate, for Muslims, for women, and for those of us in the West unwilling to embark on another Crusade.

    Again, shame on all involved.