• In a year that produced enduring classics like "King Kong,Dinner at Eight,Queen Christina and 42nd Street",just to mention a few examples of this amazing crop of films,"Cavalcade" managed to be awarded with the Oscar for best picture.This dated and quite boring movie didn't deserve such an honor.Based on the play by Noel Coward about two British families (one aristocratic and one of working-class stock)the movie traces their lives through the three first decades of the 20th century.With the possibilities that the story gave of making a grand epic saga,the film makers opted for more or less to reproduce the play as filmed theater only with montages of those world shattering events of the early 20th century.This almost killed the movie for me.The acting is not especially noteworthy except for the performance of Herbert Mundin.The movie is quite interesting in it's depiction of the old Edwardian society trying to adjust to the upheavals of the times and not quite managing it. Although I found it hard to sit through the movie isn't quite a waste of time because of its historical significance.