• The only reason I got this game was because I wanted to say that I had it, but I played it anyway. I thought the story wasn't that well done at all at the beginning, but then it has a twisting turn out of no where near the end of the 3rd disc. The characters were very weird and corny, and the way they acted was weird. Take Zidane for example. He is such a pervert it makes his character a mindless freak who is in love with Garnet, who is the only normal character and most civilized character in the game, and she even has her moments.

    The enemies in the game were very well done, but yet again, weird. Run around in some grassy areas for a while and discover that there are such things as "Friendly Enemies". Like why? What's the point. Most people on these forums will complain that they lead you to the strongest enemy in the game, which is a large blob of colours? At they optional bosses in the game are not even that hard, take Hades for example. Everyone tells me that is an amazingly hard boss, yet I fight him at level 60 and beat him in one try. Like come on, only 60,000 HP? Too easy. The side quests in the game are very stupid to. It has a great deal to do with chocobos out of nowhere, and the Chocobo Hot and Cold game? Like what is up with that? Sounds more like a children's game than a teenager game. I can also say that about the moogles, which the game is concentrated on a lot. Moogles are cute, but get annoying after a while if you find one in every world, and they all look the same. Why can't we just save normally, and what's the point of the moogles? Very annoying.

    Now to add onto that, the Strategy Guide is TERRIBLE. Now I am not talking about the game now, and it's NOT the games fault that the guide is bad, but I must put this in my explanation. Type in "Final Fantasy IX Official Strategy Guide comments" and you will see what I mean. "Go to play online.com to find out how to beat this boss!" Or, "Want to know where to find a secret item? Playonline will explain how!" Well that's just weird. At the time they were just promoting their new site, which now houses the Final Fantasy XI site. I got this game quite a short time ago, and now the site does not even exist for me to find out how to get the certain things. So I am doomed to finding it all out by myself. That isn't the point of strategy guides.

    My favorite character has to be Garnet. She is the only normal person in the game as I mentioned earlier. Other people have either a tail, and rat's face, red hair that covers their face, 100 pounds of armor, ears popping out of their small head, a pointed hat and 2 yellow eyes, and the list could continue. Quina has to be the Number 1 weirdest character ever created in a Final Fantasy. Eats anything, that thing, not even human.

    6/10, worst Final Fantasy ever made. Usually in Final Fantasy's I something touches me and I get some amazing feedback in my heart from the game, but this game does not fulfill that goal.