• Warning: Spoilers
    I was actually looking for another Tom Selleck movie, An Innocent Man, but could only find this in my local video-store bargain bin. Saw it as a kid and thought hey, why not...Gene Simmons, some killer robots...should be good! Now, I like "bad" movies...especially cheesy 80's stuff, but even I gotta draw a line somewhere. This one was just too "bad" even for me. See it for a laugh at just how cheap some SPFX got before the days when CGI can make anything look "nice" and "clean". See it for examples of truly atrocious dialogue and 8th-grade drama class acting. See it for...well, thats about it really.

    Silently screamed or out-loud laughed in several places.

    1) First kick was when Selleck goes into the house to track down the malfunctioning vacuum cleaner armed with a knife (no wait, it found a gun!) and just before he goes in he puts on his "electromagnetic deflection suit" or something...puh-leeeze. He may as well have shouted triumphantly, "Never fear! I'm wearing my electromagentic deflector suit!" Never mind it looks like the costume guys hit the scuba store for a shark-mesh-body-suit, then hopped across to sporting goods for a baseball catcher's vest and some soccer shin-guards. Then the props guys needed a gun so they went to the funny shop and got one of those ray guns that makes the synthesizer sounds and lights up when you press the button, plus a fake moustache for Tom (hang on...that was REAL??!!) 2) The little "killer" robots look like something my 6 year old nephew would make with his meccano set.

    3) Shouted at the screen: why don't you just kick the stupid little robots before they try to squirt you with their little turkey basters full of acid? (which mind you must be CITRIC acid or something because when good ol' Tommy Selleck gets it in the face it just seems to turn his cheeks a bit red) 4) laughed out loud at the final scene where Tommy's getting it on with his partner under a shower of sparks (i guess the sparks were symbolic, i cant remember any arc welders nearby) and the way he touches her nose while kissing her...yikes, yikes, yikes...that could NOT be more cheesy if it tried.