
  • Warning: Spoilers
    As a huge fan of the Karate Kid trilogy, you'll have to excuse me while I give my first sentimental statement ever on IMDb. I believe in my heart that in that parallel universe where our favorite characters from film still live, that Kumiko and Daniel would be together today. Either Daniel would have gone to Okinawa to be with Kumiko or Kumiko would have come to the States to be with Daniel. Of course, we learn in Karate Kid Part III that Kumiko decided not to go with Daniel back to California. But in my mind, this is insignificant and has no negative implication for their future. Sure, they both would have had relationships with other people. But having been through what they experienced together, they would not soon forget the bond between them. You wouldn't forget someone that saved your life? Compared to Ali from Part I and Jessica from Part III, it is more than apparent that Kumiko was the love of Daniel's life. Whether it be two years or ten years after the end of Part III, Kumiko and Daniel would have eventually reconnected and continued to live their lives together. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go crush a beer can on my forehead to reconnect with my masculine side.