• I approached this film from the position of being a Moore fan.

    I use the word "fan" loosely here really because while I've enjoyed his documentaries and come away from them believing I'd learned something, I've also had problems with them.

    Now I don't want to get political here, I'll leave that for others to do. I just wanted to open my review with an honest statement about where I stand with Moore myself.

    With that said, I felt this movie had far more problems than your average Moore film. I felt it was manipulative and at times, extremely biased. It felt to me like the film makers were just annoyed they couldn't really get any quality time with Moore. I got the distinct impression that Moore was not only aware of this movie but was aware of what the movie was trying to do. Namely, to try and cast a shadow over Moore using the very same techniques they damn Moore for using.

    It was good that some aspects of why I've always been unhappy with some elements of Moores documentaries were addressed in this movie. Only the gullible believe Moore is unbiased and presenting only truth. However this film fails to satisfy my doubts because it laces the documentary with such bias itself that you cannot extract whats true and what is just purely anti-Moore propaganda.