• I actually admired the extreme lengths to which the film's creator went in exercising his freedom of artistic licensing in this totally fantastical and imaginative version- fictionalising the source of inspiration behind Ms Arbus's consequent journey into developing her art; to many it may suggest indulging ones-self to the extreme at the risk of inflaming the passions of her loyal fans, I can empathise with those hardcore admirers who were eagerly anticipating an homage to her life and work as the film must have been a source of immense disappointment, bearing very little resemblance to the physical or biographical realities of Ms Arbus and her life...though the title clearly alludes to the fact that this was never the intention. I really enjoyed the film, Nicole Kidman never fails to deliver and visually it was an absolute feast of colour, subtle surrealism, atmosphere and even humour albeit poignant and dark at times.

    I particularly liked the harmonious balance in tempo, and rhythm as the story unravels, the subtle and sensitive balance between humour and tragedy, the exploration of the complexity of intimate relationships, the need to find ones own path or destiny however painful and incongruent that journey may be- with social expectation, preconceived values or personal responsibility.

    The biographical inaccuracies seem insignificant within the greater framework and although I was hitherto unfamiliar with the specifics of Ms Arbus's life, I still felt that valid insight was gained into the perplexing struggles endured by this artist searching to become true to herself amidst the parental social/emotional pressures and expectations. I was able to recognise an unconfident and yet courageous and strong, empathetic, sensitive woman, uniquely lacking in prejudice given the era and social background from which she came. For the open-minded viewer who appreciates the complexities of life, it is a thought provoking and challenging story which does not stray unforgivably far from a kind of truth.