
  • This movie will be framed in gold as one of the most astonishing movies ever made in Indian cinema. Each and every scene gives you an impression of 2.5yrs of real efforts done by the great Sanjay Leela Bhansali. He has truly evolved the Indian cinema with his unique way of movie making. He has emerged as one of the most daring movie makers in the world, specially in India. This masterpiece is about an imaginary world about 2 lovers and their journey towards true love.

    Raj played by Ranbir Kapoor and Sakina played by Sonam Kapoor have done marvelous job as the lead pair. Both are looking immensely confident and amazing in this movie. They are going to be the new superstars of Bollywood as they have shown a lot of talent and amazing chemistry. They both are so true and close to their roles that their characters-Raj and Sakina will be remembered in lines of DDLJ, QSQT and Bobby.

    Ranbir is sure-shot a star material and so is Sonam. The movie starts with Ranbir coming to this imaginary world and how he mesmerizes Gulab, a prostitute played by Rani Mukherjee and gets in to her heart as a special admirer. With her help, he manages to stay with Zohra Sehgal. An old women who found his lost son in Ranbir. The movie then takes you in a steady journey of Raj meeting Sakina and how they found or lose their love. To be honest, I'm not a great fan of sad-ending movies but Saawariya is a true exception.

    Remember those days when your grandma or mom tells you a story about fairy world? How an angel comes to help a small girl and singing a beautiful song for her which led trees, rivers, birds to rhyme and enjoy all together? This movie is exactly about that kind of world with lots of hope and sacrifices for the true love.

    Understand, there is no set of format to make a movie where a movie should have a flow from A to Z. Its all about understanding the movie with a different set of mind. There are some classic movies like Satya and Company which are so true to real bad world. But with Saawariya its not about how true or logical you are, its about thinking all good things and getting in to the flow of the movie.

    Zohra Sehgal as an old lady who helps Raj in this new town is also a strong pillar to hold this movie in terms of acting and appearance. Salman has done a descent job in a cameo appearance and Rani is wonderful in her performance and dancing.

    Its sheer delight listening such a soothing music after very-very long time and my favorites are 'Jab se tere naina', 'Yun shabnami' and of course, the title track-'Saawariya'.

    All said and done, its a lovely movie with great performances from Ranbir, Sonam, Zohra and Rani. This is the first movie which has impressed me with its looks and cinematography. Hail Sanjay Leela Bhansali!