• I have seen many disgusting and no point movies before, what was in them was a bit of a laugh, but this movie has to make it to the N0.1 spot of the @"£$est movie I have ever seen, it's just so amazing in it's flaws, a lot of production time wasted to produce such a very INTOLERABLE MOVIE. I mean I started being a little sceptical about the movie when I saw the trailer, as I always do before venturing to watch any movie, with the exception of animated movies(I watch all, the good or the bad, will make an exception for the new commandments one though), I thought what can you actually do with the story of a woman locked in a parking lot, there is just not much you can squeeze out of that plot. The go ahead of making this movie was a mistake, maybe other people out there might enjoy it or even be SCARED BY IT?