• So it being the Christmas season and all, the family was in the mood for a Christmas movie, one we hadn't seen before. With the cast of Danny DeVito and Matthew Broderick, this one seemed like a good contender.


    I could barely make it to the twenty minute mark before bringing the showing of this movie to a merciful end. It seems that this movie is trying hard to be Christmas Vacation, producing only a meager and clichéd facsimile of that classic. All the elements are there: the yuppie couple with cynical too-cool-for-school teenage daughter, little horn dog son, and a plot revolving around their contrast with rough around the edges newcomers. It's been done before, and more importantly it's been done much better.

    This is one of those movies that is offensively bad. Offensive because Hollywood churns out this utter crap under the assumption that we'll lap it up because we're just too undiscerning to know how bad it really is.