• Warning: Spoilers
    I'd be surprised if this aspires to more than light entertainment, an aim in which it succeeds admirably. It's a sort of Cluedo with spin. Jean-Pierre Cassell is a retired detective, confined to a wheelchair and packed off to a Retirement Home and after a leisurely introduction to the assorted denizens someone, in the shape of Jean-Claude Brialy, is pushed off a balcony which is the cue for Cassell to solve the case, with practical help - well, someone has to push the wheelchair - from Philippe Nahon and great support from three fine actresses, Micheline Presle, Yoland Moreau and Marilyne Canto. There's a nice line in red herrings before the real culprit, a member of the nursing staff, natch, is revealed. A nice 100 minutes if anybody asks you.