• Warning: Spoilers
    I just went to check out this movie tonight. I had never seen a movie by Uwe Boll prior to this and, honestly, had barely even heard of him except maybe in passing but certainly not enough to have an preconceptions about his work.

    That said, this movie was definitely one of the top ten worst films I've ever seen in my 22 years of life. No, scratch that... top five. The dialog is awful, the writing is boring, the action scenes are jerky and stupid and the characters are one-dimensional and phenomenally uninteresting. This movie's got it all: the humble farmer who just wants to be left alone, the noble king who knows about seaweed and a villain who seems to have picked up his "bad guy speak" by following Skeletor around and taking notes.

    So, with storytelling and writing in general being somewhere between incomprehensible and grating let's look at the fight scenes. The choreography was bad, the same shots were used over and over again and I got the impression that nobody working on the movie knew how to actually USE a sword (you do not fight with a longsword like you would with a rapier, you simply do not), nor did they have any comprehension on battlefield tactics. A few gems including why the Krugs are bringing siege engines to a battle in a forest and exactly where the human army traveling on foot with no wagons or ships managed to acquire boulders huge enough to roll down a hill and crush the enemy.

    So... pretty much this is the first and last Uwe Boll movie I'll ever see, there is nothing good in this film and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone at anytime. Even if you ABSOLUTELY MUST rid yourself of eight dollars you'll have more fun converting it into pennies, putting it in a bag and tossing it off a bridge to watch the splash.