• Again... Who is writing these reviews?!?! These filmmakers must have a huge extended family, cause each one of them apparently started an IMDb account and reviewed ONLY "Flyboys"

    I saw this film with very receptive audience, and I think that helped me enjoy it more. The story is pretty convoluted, but I'll do my best a quick synopsis: Two young boys stow away in a strange plane that gets stolen, flown into the air and abandoned with a bomb on board. The boys then have to land the plane. THEN there's this business about the Mafia and millions of dollars and, well... You get the picture (maybe).

    Anyway, the movie had great promise for being an Indie. The acting was better than the average, and the cinematography was great. It had a bigger budget than most Indie's so the production value stands out amongst other unseen films. But, just as I was getting into the story and the characters... WHAM! There's Steven Baldwin! All pretense of an Indie film was gone and his face took me right out of the picture.

    I still enjoyed it, though, and you could do a lot worse if you see this one at Hollywood Video.