• The Boy Who Cried Bitch, is not only one of the best flicks I've seen in a while, but it's also one of the best movie titles I've ever come across.

    The story basically follows a young boy who suffers from serious mental issues. From his interactions with his family and how he rules the roost, to his interaction with the people who run the institution he eventually heads to.

    The Boy Who Cried Bitch was a incredibly intimate feeling flick that was really realistic in it's story-telling and it's portrayal of a young boy not being able to cope with the outside world. From not having a father to guide him and to having an incredibly immature and imbalanced mother, all the ingredients are there for a young kid to go awry and not benefit from a nurturing family.

    I've seriously got to commend the little dude who played the disturbed young kid. Harley Cross (cool ass name), is a genuine child-star and one performance I'll never forget. He's actually reason enough to watch this flick. I should give the producers and directors some love too, since I'm sure it's somewhat tough to direct young kids. And to do it as well as this, is damn impressive.

    It's been a while since I've seen a flick where I've been grabbed so fast and yanked right into the feel and atmosphere. Right away, you've got Harley screaming at his mother, "Slut bitch!" And not long after you've got the Mom yanking her shirt showing.....never mind, I'll just simply say, if you get the chance to see The Boy Who Cried Bitch don't let it pass by. This a really, really good flick.