• If you're looking for the Scarlet Rose song, you can find it on Limewire. If you search for 'Gary Haase' in the field 'Artists' you get a few results that are fake, but one of them is called: Cold Case Soundtrack - CD4 Track 06 - Gary Haase - Scarlet Rose.

    I really liked this episode. They are doing reruns here in the Netherlands to catch up everyone in the summer until they are running season 5 over here and I really liked to see this episode again. The previous episode I found less interesting, the one with the 6 month old baby, but still, Cold Case is great and has the best music in their episode. I cannot count how many songs I purchased or downloaded just from their episodes. Mostly the final song of the episode is the best one. So big applause for their music director. You rock!

    Hope this could be of any help with finding the song.