• Warning: Spoilers
    I love horror movies. Grizzly Park is not a horror. I've seen a lot of awful movies, this was the worst. It would take to long to cover everything that was bad in this movie but let me just give you some highlights (or would it be lowlight?). First, there's some unrelated sereal killer that kills a bus driver that's supposed to be picking up murdering juvies (yes some were murders, and no they didn't go to jail, you can't go to jail for killing people they just send you to pick up trash)anywho, the sereal killer poses as the bus driver, he has blood allover him and no one notices. He then kills a ranger and then gets eaten by a bear. (YAY) No one was sure what he was going to do anyway, they just wanted an unrelated person to die.

    For the first hour NOTHING happens. Then people start dying. Which by this time you want them to die very violently, which they do. However you only see like 2 people die.

    In summary, it was just like someone wanted to make a movie for no reason at all. LET ME JUST SAY, PLEASE DON'T WAST YOUR TIME. PLEASE!!!!!