
  • Warning: Spoilers
    **SPOILERS** Whatever made high ranking KBG office clerk Nicolai Dalchimsky, Donald Pleasence,go off the deep end is never really explained in the movie "Telefon. Judging from the pad-or apartment- the Soviet Government provided Dalchimsky and his mother, Anas Ikonen, the two are living in luxury in that it's as big as a suite in the Park Plaza or Waldorf Astoria hotel that could cost as much as $3,000.00 for a nights stay! Dalchimsky also travels first class all throughout the movie all over the USA making you wonder if the evil and anti-Capitalistic Soviet System, who paid his salary, isn't quite as bad as its made out to be!

    Dalchimsky somehow got a hold of the names of some 50 Soviet Agents in the US who were planted there at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis back in 1962. What's even worse Dalchisky has the code name for each agent that if he or she is told what it is will set them of to, like a bunch of mindless suicide bombers, blow themselves up together with the US military installations they were programed to destroy!

    Both the KGB and CIA work together in "Telefon" to stop Dalchimsky's madness by getting their two top agents Major Gigori Borzov, Charles Bronson, and Agent Barbara, Lee Remic, to both work together in stopping him. What's even worse then Dalchmsky's mad rush to ignite WWIII is that the present premier of the USSR is totally unaware of the secret suicide-bomber agents planted in the US! Which may well lead to a firing squad or a life long stay at a Soviet gulag for those, Borzov's superiors, responsible for them if he ever found out!

    Both Brozov and Barbara are driven around in circles by the clever but dangerously insane Dalchimsky who uses those underground Soviet agents, who are now hard working and law abiding American citizens, to cause havoc all over the US. Dalchimsky even went as far as having some two dozen top Soviet military and KGB personnel knocked offed which originally alerted the CIA with the help of their top computer whiz Dorothy Pullerman, Tyne Daly, of just what he's up to!

    ***SPOILERS From This Point On**** The movie has Brozov and Brabara, posing as man and wife, chasing the slippery Dalchimsky from one major US city to another until they finally track the crazed psycho down in this little out of the way town in Texas. It's there that Dalchimsky's luck finally runs out but only after he, with the help of the Soviet underground agents, destroyed a good portion of the US economy.

    Charles Bronson being himself of Eastern European-Lithuanian Polish- descent is very convincing as Soviet KGB Agent Grigori Borzov. Bronson is given more lines in the movie then he usually has which makes his acting far more creditable with him not having to work over or gun down some dozen bad guys to keep him focused.

    The beautiful Lee Remic as US CIA Agent Barbara more then holds her own as Bronson's, or Borzov, partner. Barbara is under orders from her boss at the CIA Harley Sandburg, Frank March, to knock Borzov off once he completes his mission in terminating the out of control Nicolia Dalchimsky. It's in the final moments of the film that both Borzov and Barbara pull off the Big Switch! In them not following their bosses,in the CIA & KGB, orders in having them "come in" and-unknown to them-be terminated for the good job that they did. To also insure that the both CIA and KGB doesn't get any bright ideas, in offing them, Borzov & Barbara also destroy the list of the remaining Soviet Agents! Making it both impossible to find and terminate as well has having them being activated by a future malcontent and nut case like Nicolia Dalchimsky.