
  • This takes place in Illinois from 1957 to 1960. It's about two poor brothers--Doug (Joaquin Phoenix) and Jacey (Billy Crudup)--who are infatuated with three rich sisters--Alice (Joanna Going), Eleanor (Jennifer Connrlly) and Pamela (Liv Tyler) Abbott. It follows their relationships over the years.

    Why this film was made remains a mystery to me. It's very well-done with an attractive cast and beautiful settings--but there's nothing even remotely new here. The conflicts and story lines here have been done countless times before (just here they're updated with minor nudity and some very R rated language). Also, at almost two hours, it's far too long. I was basically pretty bored during the last hour and was just patiently waiting for things to reach their utterly predictable conclusion. Also the acting by Connelly and Crudup was pretty terrible. Connelly just giggles and acts vacant and Crudup seems unwilling to move one muscle in his face. He always has this blank expression on his face no matter what's happening in his scenes. The great acting by the rest of the cast (especially Phoenix and Kathy Baker) and the lush settings make this worth watching at least once. But seriously--you've seen this all before. Narrated by an unbilled Michael Keaton. I give it a 6.