
  • This one does not show up very often, so watch for it. It's a rather curious film directed by journeyman director J. Walter Rubens and has a cast to die for if you are an early film buff.....Ricardo Cortez, Karen Morley, H.B. Warner Pauline Frederick, Anita Louise et al.

    The story revolves around a thoroughly unlikeable schemer (Karen Morley) who is a blackmailer and all around con woman. Inviting her former victims to a party she makes one last demand for money and is murdered by one of those guests.....but who? Other murders occur and general mayhem results. The murderer wears a glowing mask which adds a nice touch to the creepiness of this film The identity of the killer is fairly easy to guess but that does not take away from the film's interest. When finally cornered by Ricardo Cortez, the killer's manner of demise is rather surprising and the camera work on the death scene is quite good for the time.

    This is a tidy little film that runs just over an hour. It's a keeper.