• This film is a decent silent comedy though it isn't much better than average. It stars the surprisingly young Jack Duffy--who is only about 44 in the film though he appears about 70. Apparently Duffy was quite the makeup artist and following his career decline, he made a place for himself in Hollywood as a makeup man.

    The film begins during a meeting of an organization dedicated to the elimination of boxing. However, in a not particularly inspired moment, Duffy and another man get in an argument and agree to settle it by having a box-off--where both bring a boxer to decide the argument. This really makes no sense considering the club and the transition was rather poor. However, the fight itself was reasonably funny--especially when Duffy entered the ring and caused a riot--followed by a lengthy and well made police chase.

    Is this great or sophisticated humor? Hardly! However, it will make you laugh now and then and it's a chance to see Duffy star in a film--there are lots of films in which he was a supporting player.