• Warning: Spoilers
    I often find myself disregarding reviews by viewers who simply trash the entire film but in this case, please take my advice.

    As a big fan of the first film, I was excited to see this movie. I enjoyed the realistic elements of the lives of the characters of the first one, expecting the second film to be the same. It's obvious it has been modernized and made significantly more urban than the first one but I assumed there would be some similarities, wrong!

    This film tells the story of a young "self taught" dancer who fails to get into the academy but falls for the new rising star. She finds herself working as a waitress come dancer at a club but eventually manages to overcome all the odds to gain the leading role in a new ballet "Just to show her sister you can make all your dreams come true"

    Another reviewer claimed these characters had great chemistry. They may have had great chemistry but they certainly lacked acting ability. I can't say whether it was the cliché script or the poor acting but this movie became somewhat painful to watch. There were several moments of very typical flirtatious close ups and over the top crying. It was ultimately cheese in a TV screen.

    Being an experienced dancer myself, I was particularly infuriated with the ending of this film in which Kate "A self taught Ballerina" triumphs over all other dancers to gain the lead in this new Ballet with her boyfriend. Not only is it extremely far fetched to say that she would receive this role but it is simply impossible for someone to (as she says) "Just watch ballet videos and mimic what I saw" IT JUST Doesn't HAPPEN! The mere fact she received the role over the more technical dancers is simply ludicrous, namely because they are significantly better (Which is emphasized in several shots)

    Essentially this movie was more "Step Up" rather than "Center Stage". It lacked the discipline that was evident in the first one that so many dancers could relate to. If you enjoyed "Step Up" and can stand to watch poor acting in replacement of attractive people then you may enjoy this movie. For everyone else; Ignore the "Center Stage:" part and focus on the "Turn it up" because this film has no resemblance to the first one.