
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This must have started out as an elegant joke about a sophisticated asylum called the Los Angeles movie studio system. Instead it turned out a monumental flop that reinforces the image of an overweight suburb of Jerusalem that lives in a golden bubble. Only a roomful of accountants could imagine this picture to be a biting satire. DeNiro plays an utterly unsympathetic bead-counter devoid of vision who disobeys every rule of scriptwriting ever written: he is not heroic, he does not learn anything during the story-arc, he encounters no genuine obstacles, and his interest in women is 100% prurient. I suppose the idea was that he would be dead-pan: instead he's just dead, only he won't roll over. Above all, like the Queen of England, he never says anything interesting from beginning to end. It's enough to make you throw your shoe through the screen. Avoid at all costs.