
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The often way-over-the-top humor is what makes TOKYO ZOMBIE worth checking out. Some of it is of a decidedly oddball sexual nature, but that's one of the film's strong suits; another is the pair of oddball heroes. To put it bluntly: they just LOOK funny. Watching them "roll" as they grapple (praticing jujitsu, a traditionally Japanese martial art co-opted these days by Brazilians), their expressions set and serious, is hilarious without really "trying" to be. While it's a far cry from SHAUN OF THE DEAD (the movie to which it seems to be most often compared), it IS cut from the same cloth- with a generous dose of LAND OF THE DEAD thrown in for good measure. If you like seeing heads lopped off with wild abandon, TOKYO ZOMBIE is right up your alley.