
  • Warning: Spoilers
    ***SPOILERS***Honset and shocking depiction of how Americas youth gets hooked on drugs despite the best efforts of their parents and law enforcement to keep that on the straight and narrow.

    The movie centers around three lifelong friends Samanatha, Summer Phoenix, Chris, Nick Stahl, and Owen, Aaron Paul. Attending Cambridge high Samantha had gotten heavily involved with drugs that may well destroy any chances she-a once straight "A" student-has in being given a collage scholarship. Having dried out in a drug rehab center in town Samantha soon gets involved with her friend the drug addicted, and fellow student in Cambridge High, Owen who's as high as a kite, on heroin, and wants Samantha to be high together with him.

    It's Chris who goes out of his way to get Samantha, who almost OD'ed, back on track by getting her to the hospital emergency ward, while her boyfriend Owen was either too scared or drugged out to do it, that saved her life. Chris a track star in Cambridge soon got hooked on drugs himself when he busted his knee in practice. Together with both Owen and Samantha Chris started to seek out the local drug dealers to supply him with the big "H", heroin, that seemed, only to himself, to give him the pep and energy that he needed to compete in high school track and field events.

    Being dropped from the track team by his coach, Joe Norman Shaw, because of his inability, because of his drug addiction, to keep up with the other runners Chris descended deeper and deeper into the hell that his drug addiction tuned out to be. It's when Samantha's friend Amy, Bittney Irvin, joined the trio-Samantha Chris & Owen- that things got even worse then they already were.

    ***SPOILERS***Amy who specialized in shoplifting not doing drugs was encouraged by Owen to get high with him on drugs. This lead to Amy, who never used heroin before, to suffer a fatal drug overdose that had her friend Owen on the run from the police! Owen is wanted by the local police not just for contributing to the delinquency of a minor but for first degree homicide-that can put him behind bars for at least ten years-in causing Amy's heroin induced death! As for the once straight as an arrow Chris he completely freaked out by feeling more responsible for what happened to Amy then even Owen, who supplied her with drugs. It's then that Chris decided to end it all in one last fatal blast from his already, that he's been jabbing himself daily with, dirty and heroin filled syringe.

    P.S Based on a true story the film "Wasted" has to do with a suburban Texas High School that had some 50 of its students end up being addicted on, and busted for using, heroin with over a dozen of them dying from it.