• Warning: Spoilers
    God must really like William Shatner. How else can you explain a career like his? Shatner has probably given more bad performances than any actor in history, has been in more turkeys than you can name, yet somehow he keeps adding success to success. This bizarre Spanish-made Western plays like a bad Star Trek episode. Remember the one where a transporter accident divided Kirk into his good and evil selves? This is like that, except in this version the good Kirk is white and the bad Kirk is Indian. Anyone smell a hint of racism here? Where's Kevin Costner when you need him? Still, "White Comanche" is great fun, with a good performance from Joseph Cotten as the sheriff and plenty of the rugged, two-fisted action fans of "Star Trek" and Spaghetti Westerns have come to expect. Sure, it's not "Dances With Wolves," but how many films are?