
  • Well actually you couldn't fix the movie, even if you tried. Even Richard Dreyfuss, who almost saves this mess, can't help it. He is the only revelation here. And with his appearance here and (especially) on "W", he seems to be back! I can only hope so, because he hasn't lost his touch and I haven't looked into the reasons why he suddenly disappeared from the big screen.

    I could go on and on, about Richard D., which would be a fun thing. But I have to write about this movie too. On the one hand, I'm happy when I read a review, where the user states, he wants to visit Greece after watching the movie. Fact is though, that Ms. Vardalos can't act, even if her life depended on it. It sounds harsh and I don't like saying that, but even as she is from Greece and lives in a foreign country like myself (me being in Germany), it just is the Truth.

    There are two moments in the movie, where she's being told that she's not funny. The voices of reason, one might think, but she still tries and fails. Every character in this is so cliché, it hurts (physically)! The jokes are so bad and predictable (flowers, elevator, bed, T-Shirt, bus etc. etc.), that every viewing should come with some pain pills ... Sleeping pills won't be necessary, unless you really have a sleeping disorder, you will be able to sleep through once the pain stops....

    Don't even get me started on morality issues, on career choices and other things that get vandalized here. But I have to admit that I almost envy the people who watched this and enjoyed it ... I seriously can't tell you how they did it? Maybe it was their first "romantic comedy". It's strange giving this movie those "attributes" ... but then again that's the disguise it does wear and tries to tick off every box there is ... but that doesn't really help ... not at all!