• Warning: Spoilers
    You want action you got action and then some. We are going to break this film down into several parts Drive, story, delivery, and message. Bare with me I am still trying to determine a proper format for film commentary.

    Look at this film gamer its a great movie as far as game related films go. It had that drive that was derived from the action that pushed the story without faltering or coming off as filler. Although action was the drive it was not always front and foremost when the time came the action drifted to the bottom and became the undercurrent on which other aspects of the film would ride on.

    And ride on that undercurrent is exactly what the story of this film did. It left a few open ended questions like where exactly everything took place, when, how did one gain access to control a player and a myriad of other questions that could have been answered with a next to no story telling. The story was a familiar format action history conflict twist climax and resolution. But without telling too much about the film I can say the story leaves a bit to be desired. But the execution was magnificent the directors made sure to dig into the literal gaming world and pull out various aspects of it that the gaming demographic would recognize. First few scenes there are some classic fps tea bagging and crouch jumping. And during the Sim like scenes it brought up many things that players actually do when playing seems and you definitely feel that if your Sims really had a mind in the real game there would be a few issues with playing the game. For the demographic the movie lacked some comedic packaging and that fact really effects my view of the message of the film.

    What I think of the message is neither here nor there. But I do think highly of this movie even if it will keep me from enjoying Sims for some time to come. I believe the film is a satire maybe not in it's entirety but in some parts on humanity. The film pokes and prods at us and how morbid we can become when we are able to detach from the experience of murder, bloodshed, and carnage. How as we pursue a better gaming experience and story lines of ethics can become blurred very much an allusion to roman gladiators and Colosseum if you ask me.