• Warning: Spoilers
    The lead actress and the lead actor at times almost seemed like they were starring in a toothpaste commercial rather than a movie but I guess that's what you get when you put professional dancers in movie starring roles. Just because they can dance does not necessarily mean that they can act. Oh! come on people, give this film a break. I thought it was very nice and in fact nearly as good as the original. I however have to agree that the makeup used on the lead actress was a little bit too much but other than that she was fine in the role she was playing. Two things stood out to me as odd in the film, #1 was that the main actress could find parking on a New York City street 9a.m. on the morning of her audition, and the second thing was the fact that she was working 3 jobs yet still couldn't afford to get her car out of impound? That was just odd. Nevertheless, the dancing was on point. It a film about dancing so the less said about the acting and certain other flaws in the film, the better.