• ...why'd they CHANGE THE NAME? This flick comes on once or twice a month on Showtime under the name "DEATH VALLEY". For months, we looked and looked and found no such movie fitting the cast and crew cited on the program guide.

    Then we looked up a couple of the cast... A-HA! So "MOJAVE" "rocked" so hard, the producers decided to change the name to "DEATH VALLEY" and take the whole thing for a second spin.

    UGH. That -- plus the fact that all the reviews say how great a movie this movie that none of us have ever heard of is -- should tell you the whole story.

    I heard the bad guys described as "crackheads" in an earlier review. Personally, i think this director must have taken a toke or two, because even the half-baked kids that work here think this film is a bad joke top to bottom. This is not spite, just pure honesty. There is no story here. There is no plot. There are no characters, no journey, no viewpoints and so no real point point in discussing this piece at all.

    Moreover, how anyone with even the slightest clue about what cameras do could go out into the raw beauty of the desert and fail to bring one decent photo to the screen is in itself beyond reason. I'm sure there are worse films out there -- but none that I've seen where folks have actively set out to deceive you into spending time and money on them. And for that, "MOJAVE a/k/a "DEATH VALLEY" deserves all the bad press we can muster.

    You literally could not have made a worse picture if you hired a crew and drew up the plans.

    No disrespect to cast, crew and producers, but sometimes a BAD MOVIE is just a BAD_MOVIE, and no amount of exuberant reviews or spinning or name changing can make a bit of difference. In the end, people have to sit down and watch the thing and in that respect, this thing never had a chance.

    To anyone considering a buy or rent, if you're the kind who likes to support indie-cinema just to thumb your nose at Hollywood, this is the tip-jar for you. Be warned, though -- there's a good reason you never heard of "MOJAVE".