
  • I completely disagree with the negative review. Yes, Charlie's Angels were also 3 women and that's about it. These three women have a completely different background which makes it interesting and funny when they interact. Where as Charlie's Angels were bland and just there to be pretty, the 3 in this series actually do something and all! 3 of them have a brain they use. The stunts are good and the acting is good. There's the policeman's daughter often in conflict with her father (as she does things which aren't always according to the book), the head of a bank (woman at the top, very rich), the car mechanic (woman in a men's world) who has been operating at the other side of the law. Story lines are good enough. Very enjoyable. Have been looking for the film and the complete series on DVD for ages, but, as far as I understand, due to copyrights etc.not released. Worth while watching!