• This type of film, English actors speaking with Southern English accents dressed up in Nazi uniforms, acting beastly, together with extras who have been told to act glum have been artfully brought together in one film - the director shoots the sequences as if he's following the pages of a cartoon book. I watched some 10-15 minutes of this tripe becoming increasingly irritated and disappointed that I wasted my money and and then by watching the stuff I was wasting my time. A story told by film has to grip and hold my attention for the duration. My attention is diluted by unconvincing dialogue, stylised acting by principals and/or extras and camera angles that suddenly intrude upon the narrative.

    The true story deserves to be produced on film by people who respect the trauma that real people endured and their heroic efforts to survive those times. There are films that convincingly portray the period, notably the Russian film 'Come and See'the German film 'Europa Europa' the Hungarian film 'Zelary.' Even films in which English displaces the language used in the original story can be credible, because the Director and Actors are talented, for example, 'The Pianist' and 'Schindler's List.'

    What would be the motives of the people who brought this story to the screen? are two films that told the story