
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It is silly that people simply rate this low because it is remake. Most great movies are "remakes". Art forms often gets imitated through various mediums. How many Indians you think would ever get to watch Oldboy? Not even 1 or 2%. So what if its is inspired in content and style by another movie, even greats like the Godfather saga are based on works by other artists. So then it all boils down to whether the director gave credits or not; is that it? Anyways, it is all pointless really. Bollywood makes such crap that its actually refreshing to see some money spend on decent remakes of some old classics, with a desi take on the matter, of course. I thought it was a decent "adaptation" of Oldboy. Like other reviewers I too wondered about why this was shot outside India. Why not have him lock up in some shady town around Mumbai and serve him samosas instead of wontons? May be Bangkok provided a better landscape to the story than Mumbai could? May be it is to do with availability of the actors or perhaps that it is more convincing to see Sanjay Dutt beat up a bunch of 5'5" Thais. Lara Dutta's character seemed totally made up, the rest of the script was okay, albeit, not as airtight as the original.