• I got to see this film in LA and loved it. It's a true thriller in the Hitchcockian tradition- a very twisty, subtly persuasive and psychologically driven tour-de-force! The plot keeps you on the edge of your seat, with a crescendo of excitement that peaks with a very unforeseen final outcome. It's such a creative premise- one I've never heard of before- which adds to the sense of disturbing discovery the audience shares with the main character. I so appreciated some of the stellar performances. Most of the actors were new to me but some familiar...the director was able to extract excellent and memorable performances.

    I'm the kind of person that really wants to talk about a movie after it's over...I hate just walking away like nothing happened (or walking away because nothing did happen in the movie I just saw!) But In My Sleep is such a good movie to bring friends to. There's so much to talk about, explore, question, figure out, explain...it almost requires a second viewing like Memento did.

    It's also a rare mix of humor and drama. The audience laughed and yelped in surprise throughout the film. It has Tony Hale (Buster Bluth from Arrested Development), whom I find Hi-lar-i-ous! I'm glad I saw it, and will be bringing friends this weekend to see it again when it opens in NY at the Quad. I'm excited to see what the future holds for the director Allen Wolf, and for his cast!