
  • I rather enjoyed this comedy - I thought the cast was appealing and the show was funny but I guess I live in a cave because the absolute red hot hATRED of some of these other comments make me laugh even more. Read them - "putrid" "terrible" - hey - it is twenty minutes of television, okay? It isn't claiming to change your life, it is some jokes in between ten minutes of commercials on a dying network. I like the one comment where the person seemed personally offended by it. Really? If you knew anything about broadcast television, it is very rare for any show to slip through the dangerous, shark filled waters of TV executives without having it turned into pablum. 30 Rock is 30 Rock because Tina fey and Lorne Michaels are powerful figures and wouldn't take notes from NBC. That is why it is unique and it's own voice. But most shows have to deal with notes and interference - and usually you are told make them more likable - make them good at their jobs, etc. In other words all the things Seinfeld wasn't. In fact, today Seinfeld would be cancelled after their low rated six episodes. Calm down. Sorry you didn't "get" all the jokes. 100 Questions is a fine show but apparently there are subliminal messages that set off mental patients.