
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Rock band Kiss front man Gene Simmons, Tom Selleck, Kirsti Alley (when she was hot), and numerous elements of the Man vs. Machine genre highlight this low grade thriller based on a story by the visionary science-fiction writer Michael Crichton. This little movie is worthy of the typical 80s cheesiness due to it's predictable storyline and Simmon's good portrayal as the 80s TV villain. The set pieces are excellent. (when robotic engineering was taking off). One especially innovative scene has a horde of metal robot spiders equipped with poisonous needles attacking Selleck and his son on an elevator. Programmable bullets that turn corners and robot car bombs along with good pacing and suspenseful situations make this a good evening's fun. All of the laughable dialog and obviousness are played with straight faces by the cast, and the violence is pretty stiff for this not to receive an R rating twenty some years ago. You can't go wrong if Magnum P.I and Terminator were your thing back in the day, and Michael Crichton's realistic approach always delivers a story worth pondering over.