• I finally got the opportunity to rent this movie on Netflix. I'd been wanting to see it for a while. I'm a big Kirby Heyborne fan so this was on my list. I was quite disappointed. It felt like they were trying to go for Napoleon Dynamite with pirates. Now, if you liked Napoleon Dynamite, this movie will be right up your alley. I hated Napoleon Dynamite, so the stupidness just didn't do it for me. There were a few clever lines scattered throughout the movie, but not enough to keep my interest going. I actually fell asleep during a 7-minute stretch.

    Kirby Heyborne does do a great job as Kirk and so does Trenton James as Flint. However, Larry Bagby's stuffed-up-nose portrayal of the pawn shop guy was just irritating.

    If you're looking for something Napoleon Dynamiteesque, this is your movie. If not, steer away, far away.