• This excellent movie deals with the American Bill Hayes (performedd by the late Brad Davis ) who was detained smuggling two kilograms of hashish while trying to board the flight along with his girlfriend (Irene Miracle) from Istanbul, Turkey, in 1970 . He was condemned to four years in a hellish Turkish prison on a drug possession charge, but his sentence was later extended Turkish courts decide to make an example of him , sentencing him to more than 30 years in jail . Hayes has two opportunities for getting freedom : the appeals made by his advocate at law , his father (Mike Kellin), and the American government, or the "Midnight Express¨ . Meanwhile, Hayes suffers incredible cruelty and sadism before his escape in 1975. It deals upon horrible conditions of prisoners and grueling efforts of the meager captives to survive ,confrontating mistreats, rampage and continuous violence with punches , lashes, knocks and incredible tortures . The most part of the movie takes place into four walls of a jail , criminal court ,yard and sewers involving and executing the preparatives of the escape . The picture tells the authentic experiences of convicts who live in a brutal Turkish prison that is a hell on the earth , reflecting the hardship existence of the inmates . We have seen men tortured , harassed and humiliated in a gaol where rules the strongest law . The film narrates physical mistreats , tortures and the preparation and execution of the getaway , but also friendship and comradeship . Later on , Hayes erupts in an explosion of self-defensive violence in some breathtaking scenes.

    This powerful prison movie well produced by prestigious producer David Puttnam contains thought-provoking drama , thrills , chills and lots of violence . Sensational performances from the magnificent starring Brad Davis who suffers an emotional brutalization and perfect support cast as the junkie John Hurt , the nasty sneaker Paolo Bonacelli who causes in Hayes an explosion of violence and Paul Smith as sadist warden who uses unthinkable tortures and brutality. This is a superbly crafted film though is also intensely manipulative and xenophobic . Interesting screenplay deserving an Oscar by Oliver Stone though full of offensive stereotypes against Turks and not faithful to Bill Hayes's true deeds . Evocative and dark cinematography by Michael Seresin . Unforgettable score by Giorgio Moroder with excessive use of synthesizer and electronic music. Skill and riveting direction by Alan Parker with some sensationalist touch ; this is his first big success , subsequently he made other hits such as ¨Fame¨, ¨The Wall¨,¨Angel heart¨, ¨Missisipi Burning¨ , among them. Rating : Very good , above average . Worthwhile watching .