• The star quarterback returns to his hometown for the winter break with his new girlfriend. The problem is his old girlfriend ( Mischa Barton ) seems to have forgotten they split up. The ex claims everything's fine and even befriends the new girlfriend but after accidentally running the new girl down on the road and seriously injuring her things go bad. I was very impressed with the acting in this movie especially Mischa Barton to my surprise. She does a good line in menacing glares and some pretty creepy looks and as you find out just how deep her obsession goes with her ex boyfriend her acting helps to make the character believable. I love these bunny boiler movies and while this doesn't bring to many new ideas to the table, it is still a strong entry in this sub-genre of thriller. There are enough edge of the seat moments when you're willing the characters on and the tension is building to make this film a worthwhile watch. I enjoyed this movie.