
  • Nick Willing did do a version of Alice In Wonderland that was pretty decent. Then he decided to make a newer version. One that takes place a lot longer in the future. Plus the fact that Wonderland is very different. Imagine Wonderland not being so beautiful but more of an updated poor trashy industrial feel. All the characters are human; including the white rabbit and the caterpillar. Yes he does have a nice all star cast, but he also made the Cheshire Cat show up for a split second and added a serial killer with a porcelain rabbit head. Also did I mention that Alice knows karate. Anyways, it was an interesting take on the story, but the movie was just too boring at parts. Kathy Bates did make a great Red Queen and I really enjoyed Andrew Lee Potts as the Hatter. But everyone else was just up to par. Caterina Scorsone plays Alice and she was OK, but to me, she didn't really seem girly enough. The whole story of this film really seemed pretty interesting and I wanted it to work, but like I said, it was just too boring at parts.